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Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)


My goals are to improve the quality of life of individuals and families by teaching vital skills and helping to decrease challenging behaviors. This mission is accomplished by utilizing the power of behavior science to individualize each intervention to a client's specific needs. As clients typically invest significant time and resources into a given intervention, I aim to provide a high quality of service that results in important and long-lasting behavior change, so that these services soon become unnecessary. 


Services are provided by a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) with over 15 years of experience. In order to provide the highest quality of treatment, high fidelity of implementation standards are maintained. Intervention may be conducted directly with your child in diverse environments, including your home, in clinic, school and/or daycare, in order to best generalize and maintain functional skills. Sasha is trained in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) principles and teaching strategies, with an emphasis on Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) for younger individuals and Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) for older children and adults. Caregiver and staff and training are always an integral part of our services. Caregivers and educators are essential to a child's progress; learning should not end when the therapy session ends. Sasha also has experience as a course lecturer at McGill University and the University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM). 

Sasha will work closely with other service providers, such as Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP), Psychiatrists, and Occupational Therapists (OT), in a multi-disciplinary manner in order to provide the highest quality of intensive therapy for your child. Services are highly individualized and have measurable goals with a focus on functional skills aimed at accelerating your child's learning curve. Parents are taught to implement teaching strategies during the natural routines of family life. Targeted skill areas can include:

  • Expressive Communication

  • Receptive Communication

  • Play Skills

  • Self-Initiation

  • Self-Management

  • Social Skills

  • Academic & Pre-Academic Skills

  • Gross & Fine Motor Skills

  • Self Regulation



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